We’d like to thank Steve for sharing this story. I met Bill at a Saint Paul Saints minor league baseball game in 1995 or 1996. The Saints are the minor league club for the Cubbies and Bill was half owner with Bill Veeck Jr. My girlfriend at the time, Barb, and I went to Saints […]
Tag: baseball
Here are some Bill Murray stories having to do with baseball.

I Met Bill at a Cubs Spring Training Game
We’d like to thank Joshua for sharing this story. I was 12 and super into baseball. My Mom and I were HUGE Cubbies fans. At a Cubs spring training game, I got two autographs on a Cubs baseball
Take Me Out to Slovenia
So, there I was… Mr. Murray made a trip to the U.S. Embassy in Ljubljana while in Slovenia to promote the Slovenia brand vodka. Some guys made up some words to make the song more Slovenian-ish and I had the accordion ready to go. One round of practicing the words and he was ready […]

RiverDog Days of Summer
We’d like to thank Megan Evans for sharing today’s story. My husband came home telling me that he received free tickets to a RiverDogs game from work. I was happy, we could use a fun night out, and the team was in the playoffs, doing so well, so we decided to go and meet a […]

Bill Murray Makes Baseball Fun
We’d like to thank Kellyrose for sharing this story. The summer I was 11 years old, I looked about 8 and was habitually forced to attend Hudson Valley Renegades baseball games with my family every Friday night. Unbeknownst to my 11-year-old-Ghost-buster-loving-self, Bill Murray was part owner of this minor league baseball team. One August Friday […]